The Official

Miller Middle School


Debate Team Web Site


    History of the Team


The Beginning


        Miller Middle School is located in Macon, Georgia. Our school already had an Academic Team, a Math Team, and many other clubs and extracurricular activities. One thing that the school lacked; however, was a debate team. So, after several class discussions/debates on several different topics in Social Studies, an inspiration came to the students who would later found the team. Three seventh grade gifted education students (Vince Poole, Brian Mink, and Josh Nowell) tried to think of a way to start a debate team. We knew that we would have to find a teacher sponsor, and that we would have to find members to join. So we began our search. We tried to get our Social Studies teacher to be our sponsor, but she has WAY to much to do, seeing as she is the Academic Team and Girls Soccer Team. That left us in a bind. Now it seemed like our hopes of a debate team may have been over, until we decided to ask our Language Arts teacher, Mrs. Burkhalter. She agreed to be our sponsor and so began the era of the Miller Middle School Debate Team. 



These are the e-mail addresses of the co-founders of the team. 


Vince Poole:

 Brian Mink: